Just a couple of months ago, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak with some of the top IVECO dealers at the New York International Auto Show. It is always amazing when you see and talk to so many of the top car dealers from across the country. You can find out about their newest offerings, their newest acquisitions, and the hottest cars that are on the market today, all while having a great time in the process. One of the most exciting things for me about this entire experience is that I got to know more about IVECO than I ever dreamed possible.
The first event that I spoke with was the first official meeting of the newly-formed LLC. This special occasion was the first meeting between the CEO, Gerrit Marx; Managing Director, Mario Mancini, and the editorial team for Gerrit’s newest publication, Auto Trend. As he took the helm of IVECO, the goal of his leadership was simple: to provide a competitive edge to the brand, in terms of both sales volume and customer service. For me, this meeting was really a great way to learn more about the company.

The second event that we attended was the launch of the company’s new dealership network. While there, we talked to several of the dealerships that are part of the network and were able to get a good feel for what is going on in the industry. For me, it was an incredible chance to get inside of the operations, and to find out firsthand how each dealership plans to go about helping customers with IVECO vehicles. IVECO has already become a leader in the segment and it is very exciting to watch its growth and how it will affect other companies in the industry. For me, this launch marked another step in the direction of IVECO’s success and helped to prepare the company for more. It was an interesting experience and one that I hope to share with you in the future.
In the mean time, I want to tell you a little bit more about the new LLC that IVECO is putting together, the “Specialty Products Division.” The idea of Specialty Products is that this division focuses on providing unique and innovative solutions for IVECO dealers, and their current and former customers. This division is focused on making the lives of those who work with IVECO and those who purchase from them easier. by making sure that they receive the highest level of service, the latest models available, and of course, the most efficient customer service that can be found in the industry.
The “Specialty Products Division” also aims to bring in new talent into the company. This group includes some of the top representatives for IVECO’s in the United States, as well as international distributors and dealerships who are excited about the company’s future. I was thrilled with this approach, which not only allows IVECO dealers to grow their businesses and expand their customer base, but also gives them the ability to keep up with a rapidly-changing marketplace. This is definitely something that the company has put a lot of thought into.
The Specialty Products Division is also focusing on providing a place for dealers to interact and connect with the company and its new management. This division is focused on working with the staff and customers to ensure that their needs are met and their minds are filled with ideas, resources, and information that will help them make their businesses run more smoothly and effectively. While this part of the company’s strategy is still being finalized, one thing is for certain: The Specialty Products Division is just the beginning of what is to come.